Friday, September 5, 2008

California Water Bank - 9.3 billion?

From Reuters:

"California's 2009 Drought Water Bank will buy water primarily from local water agencies and farmers upstream of the delta and make it available for sale to public and private water systems expecting to run short of water next year."

"Schwarzenegger and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, have teamed up to promote a $9.3 billion plan to lawmakers that would address the delta's environmental problems while expanding the state's water works."

California is having a bad year. It's housing market is collapsing, the state gov't can't agree on a budget and now this. Assuming 14 million households (per 2006 census) in California, the Gov's proposal works out to about $665 per household.

What if each household were to spend $400 on a more efficient toilet?
What each home bought a $75 rain barrel?
What if every pool had a $200 cover on it to reduce evaporation?

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